Tuesday 14 October 2014

All about the Brunstad Christian Church

Questions that you need to ask if you were invited by a member of Smith’s Friends or Brunstad Christian Church: 

1. Do you preach that Jesus had sin in His Flesh, or do you preach Jesus worked out His own salvation?
2. In case if I accept your doctrine but my family members don't accept your doctrine, should I get separated from them?
3. Do you all personally know how to study the bible? or do you understand the bible only based on the books, magazines, newsletters and preaching’s of your leaders?
4. What is the difference between your church and other churches?
5. What is the difference between the approach of your church and the approach of other secret churches like Jehovah's witnesses, Mormons, ICOC, Unification Church, etc?
6. (Do it yourself) Take a paper. Draw two columns. On one column write down the name of God. On another column write the names of leaders of Brunstad Christian Church namely Kare Smith, Larsen, J.O.Smith, etc. Throughout the service note down the number of times the name of God is pronounced, and note down the number of times the name of their leaders is pronounced
7. (Do it yourself) Note down the place where their children were taught pray for,  to visit ?

Their Old Name : Smith's Friends
Other Names : The Norwegian brothers", "Norwegian" "Smithianer"
"The Kristelige menighet" (DKM) - "The Christian community", "Norwegians movement", "De Noorse Broeders": Norwegian Names :  "Christian Family Association" , "club life", "Life eV association" , "eV The Christian Community"  ;  "Association Française chrétienne et de pays Francophones" (ACFF);  "The Christian Church" or  "Brunstad Christian Church".

Their official Page: www.brunstad.org
Facebook page about movie on Smith's Friends : https://www.facebook.com/SmithsFriends
Blogs about them:
News about the money laundering of Kaare Smith and Larsen:
Collection of news about   Scandals involving Smith's Friends:
Tamil Blogs about Smith's Friends: